Changing Lives through

Find your path to side hustle or small business success with Northstar Startups. 

We support people facing financial hardship start small businesses.

 With courage and determination, they build economic security with the aid of Northstar’s education, financial support, mentorship and community of motivated new entrepreneurs.

Our services are FREE to those ready to roll up their sleeves and make their own business happen.

Words from Our Entrepreneurs

Volunteers started Northstar Startups and continue to be the source of its success. With heart and energy, our volunteers have a direct impact on individuals and our community.

Mayne Food and Gardening

Wow! This week will be the first week that I will earn more from my business than my day job. Most of the issues I thought I would have were exaggerated and, in some cases, nonexistent. Thanks so much to Northstar Startups for the support and tutoring throughout this journey.
Turnkey Admin Services

Before I became a client of Northstar Startups I didn't know what career path to follow. I was unemployed and had financial problems. They helped me through a valuable workshop, mentoring, an incubator program and weekly group and one on one meetings.
Latin Microgreens

I never imagined that losing my job would lead me to entrepreneurship and fulfillment. Northstar Startups became my guiding light, providing unwavering support. Through their business courses, financial support and mentors I gained knowledge that empowered me to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with confidence.
Tamil Language Services

The mentorship, training, technology, and financial support provided by Northstar Startup's experienced team have truly transformed my journey. The networking opportunities offered have been particularly invaluable, helping me connect with other entrepreneurs to expand and explore my business.

About Northstar Startups

We help people achieve their goals of greater financial security through side hustles, self-employment and entrepreneurship.

How We Work

In partnership with community service organizations and a volunteer network of experienced entrepreneurs, we deliver free programming which supports aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools and resources needed to launch their new businesses.

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