How to get Powerful Testimonials from your Clients

star reviews with finger pointing on the fifth star

Testimonials are crucial for showcasing credibility, attracting new clients and strengthening your brand. 

star reviews with finger pointing on the fifth star

You’ve invested time and effort into providing exceptional service for your clients, and now it’s time to let your clients’ voices speak for you. But how do you get them to open up and share their glowing reviews? 

Here are some ways to turn satisfied clients into your biggest advocates:

  1. Time it right: 
  • Reach out at a time when your clients are likely to be satisfied with services, such as right after the successful completion of your services. 
  1. Ask the Right Questions: 
  • Encourage clients to share their journey, and ask about the challenges they had and how your services helped. 
  • Use open-ended questions to get more detailed responses. For example, “Can you describe what you were struggling with before working with me, and how was I able to help you overcome it?”
  1. Conduct Interviews: 
  • If you can, schedule a call or video meeting to get more in-depth insights and further the personal connection. 
  • Ask if you can record the call to transcribe key quotes or create a video testimonial.
  1. Make it Easy for your Clients:
  • Offer prompts or pre-written questions to help guide them and make it easier for them to share. 
  • Consider providing a template with fill-in-the-blank sections to ensure consistency. 
  • Most clients are only too happy to provide you with a testimonial but sometimes it ends up getting pushed to the bottom of their list. Ask if you can write a draft for them. When writing be honest and specific about how you helped them but always maintain authenticity. 
  1. Be persistent: 
  • Follow up even if you don’t receive an immediate response 
  • If you can, offer an incentive to encourage clients to share their experiences. For example, a discount on a future service or a complimentary service. 

Use the testimonials you received to enhance your marketing efforts. Feature them on your website, share them on social media and use them on any printed materials. 

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