Reframing Your Approach to Sales

Women wearing serving a customer in outdoor setting. Pink marketing signage is in the background.

Is your current sales approach holding you back?

Women wearing serving a customer in outdoor setting. Pink marketing signage is in the background.

Does the thought of sales fill you with dread or anxiety? Have past experiences left you with self-doubt when it comes to selling your product or services? 

Let’s reframe your perspective on sales.

Instead of seeing sales as a negative activity, think of it as a valuable tool for connecting with your customers and providing solutions to their needs. It’s not the tool itself that matters, but how you use it. Your mindset, intentions, and strategies will shape your sales outcomes. 

Embrace a Service-Oriented Mindset

  • Understand your customers’ needs deeply. Get clear on their situation, dive into their problems, and then demonstrate how your service is the perfect solution.
  • Shift your focus from just making a sale to providing value to your customers. Every interaction is an opportunity to make a positive impact.
  • Selling isn’t about manipulation or coercion; it’s about serving others and helping them make informed decisions. Demonstrate your knowledge and commitment, and remember, you don’t need to be the absolute best in your field. Just be better than the alternative your customers are considering. 

A personal story: 

I was at a local shop I adore when the owner mentioned some upcoming events. After she finished, I casually offered my marketing services, not expecting much.

To my surprise, she was incredibly grateful and responded with, “My customers really are the best.” A few days later, we met for coffee to discuss a potential collaboration. 

Here’s the thing, even though I wasn’t sure she’d use my services, I genuinely believed I could help her. By speaking up, I demonstrated my genuine interest in her success. 

So here’s your sign: have the conversation. You never know where it can lead. 

Develop Strategies and Tactics

While a positive mindset and strong energy are essential, practical knowledge and skills are equally important. Northstar Startups offers resources to help you develop and build on these fundamental principles, and more.

  • Understand your target market deeply. Practice active listening and ask open-ended questions. Imagine yourself in your customers’ shoes to understand their perspective
  • Be prepared to address objections, such as price aversion. Prepare thoughtful responses that address your customers’ concerns and highlight the value your business offers. 
  • Maintain regular communication with potential leads and existing clients to nurture them, ask for feedback and use it to refine your approach.  

Practice to Overcome Fear and Build Confidence

The more you engage in sales interactions, the more confident and skilled you’ll become. Instead of seeing sales as a chore, view it as an investment in your business’s growth. 

Focus on your efforts and detach from immediate outcomes. Remember, not every interaction will result in a sale, and that’s okay, each conversation is an opportunity to learn and improve.  

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