Each and Every Volunteer Sees the Results of their Efforts.

As a volunteer-run, incorporated charity, Northstar Startups’ success is thanks to an amazing community of volunteers.

The leadership team, mentors, workshop leaders and others volunteer to support the success of new entrepreneurs. 

Volunteer Options to Suit Your Talents and Interests

Online education and IT, business coaching and event management, communications, web development and administration: at Northstar Startups, it’s all done by extraordinary volunteers.

There are three volunteer streams.

  1. Operations – Support and promote Northstar Startups providing back office support, tech-support, communications, and more.
  2. Mentors – Working directly with one of our entrepreneurs as a business advisor, mentors meet with clients for about an hour weekly or bi-weekly to help them build towards business success as the entrepreneur defines it themselves. It’s important to note that when you sign up as a mentor, it may take some time to be matched with the right entrepreneur.
  3. Ambassadors – Using their personal and professional networks, Ambassadors spread the word about Northstar Startups helping with community outreach, partnership development and funding.

Every volunteer is supported by our leadership team and encouraged to use their talents, learn new skills and contribute to the organization in ways that are meaningful to them.

Northstar Startups is a small, hands-on organization. Every volunteer makes an important contribution to realizing our mission. The results of a volunteer’s work at Northstar Startups can be readily seen in the lives of our clients.

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